Pool Inspection Services

Real Estate and property management companies often call on Clear Shine Pool Services to help when they have a property in need of a face lift and what should be a beautiful centerpiece attraction in a properties yard has gone un attended and is now a major eyesore.

A Clear Shine Inspection will answer the following questions that can make a big difference in the value of a prospective property.
  • What is the overall condition of the pool?
  • What is the conditon of all the pool euipment?
  • Is it all safe and ready to go? (Remember water and electricity don't mix!)
  • Is the water in the pool soft or aggressive?
  • Do all the special features it has work (i.e. lights)?
  • Is all the equipment sized correctly according to the pool hydraulics?
Our professional pool service techincians have been providing detailed pool inspection services for years in Sacramento. Let Clear Shine help get your investment back in shape.

Visual Inspection without report $200 with written report including pictures $300

© 2016 Clear Shine Pool Service™  All rights reserved. Elk Grove California 95624   (916) 469-7117

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